
"Exploring the natural world to better understand the one who made it."

Since time immemorial, human beings have been fascinated by nature.

When God created Man, he fashioned him to "have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." As such, it is an innate part of our created natures to seek better understanding of the world around us.

Orchard of Life Science was founded in 2017 for the purpose of providing Christians a biblically-grounded platform for understanding and celebrating the majesty of Creation - exploring the natural world to better understand the one who made it.

More than just Creation vs. Evolution

"The success of the creation movement depends not on our ability to point out the faults of Darwinism, but on our ability to demonstrate the explanatory power of the Christian worldview."

"The success of the creation movement depends not on our ability to point out the faults of Darwinism, but on our ability to demonstrate the explanatory power of the Christian worldview."

A solid concept of natural history is essential to understanding the natural sciences. As a result, the question of origins plays a central role in any study of the natural world. At Orchard of Life Science, we believe the following:

  • The Bible is the inerrant word of God and is a trustworthy source of history.
  • The universe and everything that is in it was created only a few thousand years ago over the course of six ordinary days, as recorded in Genesis 1.
  • Life is a direct creation of God and its many varieties, rather than descending from a single common ancestor, were created as distinct "kinds," which have since diversified.
  • The Flood of Noah, as an event, was both real and global in scale and played a significant role in shaping the biology and geology of our present world.

While many of our materials do spend time justifying these beliefs, we also realize that apologetics is only the very beginning of the conversation. As in the parable of the unclean spirit (Matthew 12:43), it does no good to remove falsehood if it is not replaced with truth. In this way, we must realize that the success of the creation movement depends not merely on our ability to point out the faults of Darwinism, but also on our ability to demonstrate the explanatory power of the Christian worldview.

It is this latter goal to which we give our main focus, promoting a distinctly biblical philosophy of science through our publications and research with the hopes of equipping and inspiring the next generation of creation scientists.

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